What to expect in your osteopathy appointments

Posted By Anna Pattison  
15:49 PM

If you have never been to an osteopath before, you might not know what will happen during your appointment. Let's go through that now. 

Common questions people ask before their appointment include;

  • How long is the appointment?
    - 45 minutes for the initial appointment and 30 minutes for follow up appointments, unless extended appointments is requested. 
  • What should I wear?
    - Anything you are comfortable in. Your osteopath may be required to treat muscles and joints, flexible, loose clothing can be helpful. 
  • What do I need to bring? 
    - Just yourself is perfect. If you have any relevant scans or results, you are welcome to bring those along with you
  • Do I need a referral? 
    - Absolutely not, we do accept referrals from your GP or through TAC, DVA or WC

Your initial appointment can include:

  • A detailed medical history 
    - We will ask relevant medical questions to learn more about your previous injuries or health concerns. 
  • Examination 
    - Your osteopath will have a look at your posture and the way your spine and joints move to see what is contributing or causing your pain/discomfort 
  • Treatment 
    - This can include; soft tissue, articulation, traction, dry needling, cupping, taping, manipulation and counter-strain/balanced ligamentous tendon techniques. 
  • Rehabilitation exercises
    - We will take you through appropriate stretched, foam rolling, Thera band exercises and modifications to posture, sitting and even sleeping positions. 

Appointments are tailored and specific to your injury and what you need. If you think osteopathy can help you today, please give us a call on 0422 639 369